What is Moissanite?

Moissanite is a gemstone distinguished by its origin from the stars. Discovered in 1893 by French scientist Henri Moissan in a meteor crater in Arizona, these crystals were initially mistaken for diamonds but were later identified as silicon carbide. Due to its rarity in nature, the moissanite available today is almost exclusively lab-grown, offering an ethical and sustainable alternative to traditional gemstones.

The journey from discovery to the jewelry market was not immediate for moissanite. It wasn't until the late 20th century that technological advancements enabled the mass production of silicon carbide crystals for use as gemstones. Moissanite has since become known for its dazzling brilliance, fire, and durability, rivaling even that of diamonds, and has gained popularity as a cost-effective and ethical choice for jewelry.

Comparing moissanite to diamonds reveals significant differences. Although diamonds top the Mohs scale of hardness with a rating of 10, moissanite is close behind at 9.25, making it more durable than many other gemstones. Moissanite's higher refractive index and dispersion give it more fire and brilliance than diamonds, showcasing more colorful sparkles under light. Despite these qualities, diamonds remain coveted for their natural origin and the status they carry.

Moissanite's advantages are compelling. It is far more affordable than diamonds, allowing consumers to purchase larger stones for the same budget. Its durability makes it suitable for daily wear, resistant to scratches and damage. Ethically, moissanite is superior, as its lab-grown production avoids the environmental and labor issues associated with diamond mining. Additionally, moissanite's variety in cuts and sizes ensures there is a perfect stone for every preference, marrying modern values with timeless beauty.

In essence, moissanite represents a modern choice in gemstones, combining ethical sourcing, affordability, and stunning aesthetic qualities. Its story, from a serendipitous discovery to becoming a beloved jewel, highlights its unique place in the world of fine jewelry.